In our ancient Indian culture imparting of knowledge was completely based on morality. The guru-shishya relationship was based on selflessness, morality and with ethnic beauty. In those older days the main purpose of education was to develop a person in a calm and peaceful environment with a strong intellectual personality having humanistic attitude with a good character above all these. Their main purpose was not to make them a doctor or an engineer and so on. Once Swami Vivekananda said,
As change is the law of nature, this traditional education of gaining and imparting process has changed gradually. Now a days our modern youngster generation follows a CAREER ORIENTED technique of gaining knowledge. People are more and more intended towards the consumption and accumulation of things which would help them in having a more comfortable life.
Due to rapid increase in the materialistic tendency of those adolescence this education is like a vital medicine to grasp the shortest way of being successful professionals because after having some job only all these lively comforts could all be acquired. Modern youngster generation does not work to build a personality with a good and moral character. This materialistic tendency had lead them to have a surrounding where he could think only and only about ‘I’ and ‘Me’ or ‘Mine’ except these nothing else. In accumulating more and more all these man basically looses his heart of a true human being and then he acts against humanity and tries to break all the rules of humanism.
Being so much absorbed in the materialistic needs, therefore, he forgets about sympathy, mercy, pity, selflessness and such other moral values, hence day by day people are becoming more and more critical and unsocial. Increasing MATERIALISTIC thoughts are highly responsible for the destruction of man to man and door to door relationship.
This suggests danger to the civilization. A civilization cannot properly advance or progress without tender moral values. We must think of these materialistic affairs within a certain limit and that
must not be without sympathy, mercy, pity or selflessness.
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