We know that the heartbreaking Kunan Poshpora incident occurred on February 23, 1991, when unit(s) of the Indian army launched a search and interrogation operation in the twin villages of Kunan and Poshpora, located in Kashmir’s remote Kupwara District, at least 100 women were gang raped by soldiers that night. However, human rights organizations including Human Rights Watchhave said that the number of raped women could be as high as 150. What a shame! But nay, don’t take the name as the rapists were men in uniforms. It will bring bad name!!! But how debauch it is all in the name of nationalism? Seriously, what a measles it is to the humanity. The rapists will not be oppressors as they were the men in uniforms? How derogatory it is in all forms! Indeed, what happened that night was horrible, but what is more horrible perhaps is that though the justice is not yet served, the same atrocious crime is still doing the rounds in corner, and now even in open air with nationalist...
The world is moving at a very fast pace and everybody is working hard to get ahead in as short a time as possible. As a result, people are cramming up their calendars with more and more. Their ‘to-do’ list just never seems to end. The ability to multitask seems to be the most essential requirement in the work environment. However, the fact is that no one has ever been able to achieve much this way. To be successful in life – Focus on one thing! Research has shown time and again that the human mind is not meant to multitask. Not just that, research now even proves how long-term multitasking is actually harmful for the brain. A study done in 2009 by Stanford proved that frequent multitaskers were not able to use their brain as efficiently as non-multitaskers. The scary part is that frequent multitaskers were less effective even when asked to focus on one activity. Trying to get too much done in one go is not a good idea. It will not get you quick success; rather, focusing on one thin...